Network Scaled Monopolies

- A crime with hookers and a very big shark

There are millions of sharks in the ocean but only "Jaws" was big enough to earn himself (The Shark) so many feature films about trying to kill him. It was simply because he was so big and so hungry. Judging by the endless sequels, Jaws seems pretty hard to kill.

This is about the biggest sharks. They are from Silicon Valley.

Google, Facebook, Amazon, Linkedin, Netflix, et al; exist because they operate under the criminal umbrella of the tech Cartel frat boys.

These guys are addicted to sex, and they are also huge assholes, so they can't keep any partners around unless they pay them to be trophy wives or "beard" wives. Buying sex from Italian escorts, young girls and New York Rent Boys is really, really expensive. This drives them to do anything to suck up huge amounts of cash.

These guys are also addicted to power, so they buy East and West Coast U.S. Senators, British Parliament members and partner with corrupt Russian oligarchs. Buying Senators is also really, really expensive. This also drives them to do anything to suck up huge amounts of cash.

These guys need, and spend, massive amounts of cash. Being a tech oligarch is really, really expensive. They can't have the IRS cutting into their hooker-budgets. They spend massive amounts on big law firms to hide money in real estate, trusts, fake charities and in a huge array of off-shore spider holes.

These guys can't afford to get caught so they hire In-Q-Tel, Gawker Media, Black Cube, Fusion-GPS, and a huge army of other attackers, to destroy anybody who questions their motives.

Their Cartel exists because they own all of the main servers, banks, venture capital firms, tech law firms, K Street lobbyists and tech HR firms.

They control their entire eco-system and black-list anybody that offends them.

They own the internet and they delete anybody who steps in their circle.

Nobody can operate outside of it.

No start-up can compete with them without getting a hit-job put on it.

Since the year 2000, together, they have put over a million smaller companies out of business.

They exist because of "Scaling": the ability to use monopolized networks to reach everyone on Earth, have lower prices, and destroy all competition because they control all infrastructure. Scaling is all they talk about at their AngelGate "power lunches" in the back rooms of Restaurants on University Avenue in Palo Alto.

The FBI can't stop them because they owned James Comey, the head of the FBI.

The SEC, FEC and FTC can't stop them because they own the regulators at those agencies.

They Obama White House could not stop them because most of the Obama Administration was staffed by, and directed by, the staff of Google, Amazon and Facebook, et al.

The Silicon Valley tech Cartel makes the Mafia look like small potatoes.

They are a criminal organization!